Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Chance to Twitter Chatter

The lovely Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich and I will have a live Twitter chat to discuss her terrific Eighth Grade Superzero and various questions regarding writing and publication this Friday, January 22, from noon to 1 EST. Our Twitter feeds are at @olugbemisola and @chavelaque. If you'd like to follow the conversation easily, look for the hashtag #8GS0 (note that last character is a zero) in; if you'd like to skip it entirely, block us for the day on A transcript will be posted on one of our blogs afterward.

(Have I mentioned that Superzero received a starred review in Publishers Weekly and is the Book of the Month for Middle Grade? Consider that done. Yay, Gbemi! Also, a shoutout for Operation Yes, which is a finalist in the middle-grade category of the CYBILs. Yay, Sara!)

I'm writing this on the BoltBus on the way to Boston for the ALA Midwinter Conference. Wireless Internet never ceases to amaze me, and wireless Internet on a bus -- all the more astounding! I'm going to turn it off now and try to work instead. If you see me at the conference, come say hi.


  1. I'm going to push that ARC to the top so I can be finished in time for the chat! I hope to project it at school - maybe it will get some teachers interested in twitter author chats!

  2. Unable to say hi in-person at the conference, so Hi from the Internet Cheryl

    Have a great time


  3. I recently bumped into 8th Grade Superzero on some other blog or website. Sounds like a great it on my to-read list.

  4. I can't believe how much of this I just wasn't aware of. Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I'm truly grateful and really impressed.
