Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Poll Position

I'm experimenting with the poll function of Blogger via the box in the right-side bar. If it proves popular/useful, then I may use it to determine future talk topics, subjects to be addressed in FAQs or SQUID 101s, what breakfast cereal I should buy next, etc. Swing on over and vote!

("My" life there is meant to refer to your-the-reader's life, for the record, not what you think my personal life is like. I voted for A Crooked Kind of Perfect. Are there any good titles I forgot to include?)


  1. A Crooked Kind of Perfect sounds fine-I voted for that too. Oh and the dress is AMAZING. Good God, 6$?!

  2. I refer to myself as 'Imperfect and that's the way I'm supposed to be!' Don't you love it! I voted for your 'Crooked kind of Perfect'. I think we are kindred spirits, sort of in a crooked, imperfect sort of way. LOL

  3. You could have included, "The Earth, My Butt and Other Big, Round Things." I would have voted for that one.

  4. I'm barely seeing the black letters on the blue background. Can you alter the text color? (The color on this monitor is not the best.)

    Great selection of titles.
