Thursday, September 15, 2005

Chocolate-Covered Key Lime Pie on a Stick, Part II. The Swingle turned out to be a miracle of the food-on-a-stick genre: so perfectly well balanced, baked, and frozen that it didn't fall apart even as I chomped my way down to the popsicle stick itself. I recommend one highly for a sunny afternoon by the seashore, or whenever you need a portable dessert. Steve's Authentic Key Lime Pies of Brooklyn, 888-450-LIME. Posted by Picasa


  1. stopitplease! you're making me desperately miss NYC...specifically the way there's always something new & unexpected & wonderful left to discover. Boston, being on a smaller scale & my home town & all that, just doesn't satisfy...

  2. p.s. but...damn. that looks good. Erik will approve, I'm sure, since his high school nickname was "Swingle" & loves lime-flavored foods. Of course, the genre of "food on a stick" might be a little too...midwestern for him.

  3. me again. sorry - I don't mean to spam with comments. That was supposed to say "he loves lime-flavored foods." It bothered me to see a comment left in such an appalling state.
