Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nice News!

My website,, has been named one of the "101 Best Websites for Writers" in the May/June issue of Writer's Digest! The full list isn't online, but it features some truly great sites, including Editorial Anonymous, InkyGirl, Nathan Bransford,, and the Purple Crayon, and I'm honored to be noted among them. Thanks for the recognition, Writers' Digest!

(And thanks, Mom, for texting me with the news. You sure you don't want a second career in book publicity?)

In other nice news, I learned this week that a couple met at our BEA Kidlit Drinks Night last year, fell in love shortly thereafter, and as of this year's (awesome) event, they're planning to move in together. As someone who loves connections -- between characters, between the right editor and the right writer, between the right reader and the right book -- I find this immensely delightful and satisfying. Hooray!

And because good things should always come in threes, let's see. . . . Ah! It's a three-day weekend! Go forth and be frivolous.


  1. Congrats! And sometimes I feel like publishing is all just a matter of love connections...:)=

  2. Congrats! You totally deserve to be listed--your website is def one of the best!!

  3. Well deserved! Leading the pack!

  4. Congratulations! The honor is well-deserved. Actually, I'm kinda surprised it's taken them so long to recognize your website.

  5. Congratulations! Well-deserved.

  6. Now that's a nice surprise. Congrats!

  7. Congratulations, Cheryl!! As someone who hopes to one day make a career out of writing, I enjoy your blog immensely!

  8. If your mom goes into publicity, I would totally sign up with her.

  9. Congratulations--and I'm glad you posted this, because I had no idea that The Purple Crayon was in the list too....

  10. Congrats that you made it on the Writers Digest list. Sounds like the Kidlit night last week with the BEA was lots of fun.

  11. Congrats! Well deserved.

  12. Another great blog for writers and editors is Steve DeMaio's "Working for Yourself" . I recommend it highly.

  13. Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!
