Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pretty Paintings, Trash Talk, and Bye-Bye Block

Tim O'Brien, the artist who created the jacket art for The Legend of the Wandering King among other many other lovely covers (and the husband of our wonderful art director Elizabeth Parisi), does a really cool painting demonstration on his blog here: (scroll down to the YouTube link).

Watching the painting take shape is like watching a Bob Ross episode -- soothing and mesmerizing, albeit at higher speed and with fewer trees. And also, sadly, less hair.


If you missed Go Fug Yourself's coverage of the Oscar fashions: It's never too late. I especially appreciated their takedown of Anne Hathaway, who is my nemesis because (1) she knows nothing about Jane Austen and yet is playing her in a movie; (2) in another movie, she implied that she could get her pale little hands on a HP manuscript before publication; (3) the film of The Princess Diaries made me want to throw my shoe at the screen (though to be fair, that was the script, editor, and director's fault as much as hers; feh to incompetent romantic comedies); and (4) nemeses are fun. So to paraphrase Lews Street 101: "Someone call the doctor cuz that dress was sick!"


Finally, I am pleased to say I have conquered my little "block-block-block" chicken when it came to writing my talk. What made the difference? Talking through what I wanted to say with my friend Ted; a long walk that gave me a beginning (probably not my final beginning, but a way into the writing); and a blessed hour with a good pen and trusty notebook, as I can never brainstorm properly on a computer. And click: structure (five ways picture-book manuscripts can go wrong), narrative (the development of one manuscript over time), perspective (which points I really need to make and which I can save for another talk). Also silliness and cookies, which always delight me. Indeed, the cookies will make an excellent final course after my upcoming chicken dinner. . . .


  1. Good luck writing the talk, Cheryl, but you know what we're all dying to ask is...HAVE YOU SEEN THE MS. FOR DEATHLY HALLOWS YET???!!! ;)

    Anonymous in Milwaukee

  2. huh...odd.... Notwithstanding the fact that I am not a midwesterner (though I am very good at identifying excellent barbeque), I would have thought that Anne was wearing a dress with a cow motif (which is what I recognized the black splotch in the middle to be). I ended up deciding that it was really the outline of a large butterfly (though I've probably only seen like twelve butterflies in real life).

  3. The three of us can't wait to hear your talk in April, Cheryl!

  4. I have to agree on the fashion's more like the Devil ate the manuscript then threw up in black and white all over Anne Hathaway!

    Good luck with your talk...I'll be waiting with bated breath for it to appear on your blog.

  5. in another movie, she implied that she could get her pale little hands on a HP manuscript before publication

    Ha ha ha haaaa! Rock on, Cheryl!

  6. The cover art is beautiful; draws you right in.

    I want to let you know that, due to your effusive praise of Kate Constable's writing, I've fallen in love with her. And I was distressed to discover that our local library does not carry any of the books in her trilogy. Not that that's shocking or anything; I've always been underwhelmed by our libraries down here.

    Anyway, your blog is proving to be a rich resource of excellent reading recommendations. I'll be looking into THE LEGEND OF THE WANDERING KING next!

  7. Prairie dogging up from my giant Scholastic project. 61 sketches in six weeks! Ack! When you see me I will be the woman waving in the back with little T-Rex arms worn down to the nubs from drawing day and night.
    Thanks for the Go Fug link. I'm marveling at the general silliness of most of the dresses. I know that the stars start working out at four in the morning, swim in a size zero and live on air but honestly! Don't they have mirrors? Or underwear? What was with the one shoulder giant bows?
    I read the Hathaway interview... pass the Spork indeed! Then again, would anyone want to be interviewed in public knowing that the AustenBlog would be fact checking your every word? You have to admit it would be daunting.
    Hope you’re having a creative week!

    Dress is at all times a frivolous distinction, and excessive solicitude about it often destroys its own aim.

    ~ Jane Austen
