Monday, October 12, 2015

Two New Writing Workshops with Me!

I'm delighted to announce that on Saturday, November 21, I'll be teaching two writing workshops as a fundraiser for Park Slope United Methodist Church​. One will be in the morning (9 a.m.-12 p.m.) and one in the afternoon (2-5 p.m.) at the church in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Each one is $50, and all proceeds go to PSUMC. (This will be the first public debut of some material from my new book, The Magic Words, and I'm excited about that.)

"So You Want to Write a Book?" (9-12): In this workshop for beginning writers, or even people with just an idea for a book, "We’ll talk about practical techniques for starting and sustaining a novel-length narrative, including questions to ask, story dynamics to explore, and tips and tricks for getting the work done. A brief overview of revision and submission practices and publication options will be provided at the end."

To sign up:

"A Master Class in Character" (2-5): "What makes a character come alive on the page? What details should you include, or not include? Do characters have to be likeable or relateable? If you want a character to be relateable, how do you make that happen? In this workshop for novelists, we’ll explore the many dimensions and mysteries of characterization, and discuss ways to create believable, compelling fictional people."

To sign up:

It would be great to see you there! If you have any questions, leave 'em in the comments. Thank you for your interest.


  1. Hi Cheryl!

    Will you ever broadcast those workshops online or maybe host some other ones online?

  2. I've done online workshops through Writers' Digest University before. I hope to do more in the future when my schedule calms down a bit!

  3. Hi Cheryl, I came across your book on Amazon, your name caught my attention. My name before I got married was Sheryl Beth Klein. I am writing several picture books, and plan to illustrate at least one of them. Congratulations on your new book
